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Organisation Support

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The New Zealand Charities Services

The New Zealand Charities Services website has information to support your Charity or organisation including support on:


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CommunityNet Aotearoa  

CommunityNet Aotearoa is an online hub where you can find and share resources designed to strengthen organisations working with New Zealand communities

Not For Profit Law and the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 

There are estimated to be 24-26,000 incorporated societies across NZ, and every currently incorporated society (including those incorporated as societies under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957) will be required, by 1 December 2025 to re-register under the new Incorporated Societies Act if the society wants to continue to have the rights and protections of being an incorporated society, and when re-registering it must have a constitution that complies with the new Act.

Visit the Not-for-Profit Law website for further details on the Incorporated Societies Act 2022 and:

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